Part 2 – Getting a rescue dog vs a puppy

In the second part of this blog, I wanted to ask an owner of a rescue dog some questions about their choice of a rescue over a puppy, and the journey they have been on. Here is Gemma’s story:   Why did you choose a rescue dog over a puppy?   Despite having dogs from puppyhood when I was growing up, I realized the issue relating to over-breeding of dogs with so many unwanted dogs in shelters and being put to sleep. I simply felt that getting a puppy was wrong! We started trawling the websites of rehoming centres, through […]

By |2020-05-01T12:42:17+01:00January 6th, 2017|Dogs, Pet News|0 Comments

Part 1 – Getting a Rescue Dog vs a Puppy

Many people dismiss the idea of getting a rescue dog due to the paranoia of ending up with a dog with “baggage”, or because they don’t want to miss out on the cute puppy phase of development. It is often assumed – or hoped – that obtaining a puppy means it can be shaped into the dream dog. But the realities are quite different: 1 in 5 people who buy a puppy don’t have that puppy 3 years later. Even well-researched puppies with experienced owners are not immune from developing behavioural problems. Many rescue dogs are looking for new homes […]

By |2020-05-01T12:43:14+01:00November 15th, 2016|Dogs, Pet News|0 Comments

Legal responsibilities of all dog owners

As a responsible dog owner, it is important you understand dog laws in order to protect yourself, your dog and others around you. Many dog owners may not realise there are so many laws relevant to them, or will feel that the risks associated with these laws are low in terms of consequences. It is worth noting that there are many solicitors dedicated purely to Dog Law and many behaviourists offering their services as Expert Witnesses due to the number of reports made, and Dog Wardens are inundated with calls reporting irresponsible dog ownership. More than 35 acts of parliament […]

By |2020-05-01T12:44:25+01:00September 1st, 2016|Dogs, Pet News|0 Comments

Spreading the message on dogs & children

Recently I was contacted by BBC Points West and asked to produce a short film summarising my advice on interactions between children and dogs. With 20 minutes’ notice and a large glass of wine already consumed (well, it was Friday night), the recording was made and off I went to bed. It was live on the BBC Points West Facebook page by midnight… and by the morning it had 16,000 views. Within 5 days it had been seen by 200,000 people. Imagine if two minutes of simple advice could prevent even 1 child from being bitten? Imagine if the message […]

By |2020-05-01T12:45:38+01:00August 28th, 2016|Dogs, Pet News|0 Comments

Understanding terminology used in the training & behaviour industry

This blog post has been inspired for two reasons – the first is the number of fallout cases I have seen recently following consultations or training sessions with unqualified ‘trainers’ or ‘behaviourists’ in the area. The second is to provide an explanation of terminology that is often used so an informed decision can be made about the methods used by some individuals.   ‘Balanced’ dog training This term is used to describe training that uses both positive reinforcement along with positive punishment/negative reinforcement. This may not necessarily include physical corrections but involves intimidation and threatening human behaviour that aims to suppress unwanted […]

By |2020-05-01T12:47:11+01:00March 14th, 2016|Dogs, Pet News|0 Comments

Why becoming a parent has made me a better pet behaviour counsellor

I have first-hand experience of managing interactions between children & pets – it is not easy! My youngest is currently at the developmental stage I believe most pets find hardest – crawling (invading the animal’s floor space), starting to walk (wobbling), generally behaving unpredictably, cannot yet follow instructions, and absolutely fascinated by the furry 4-legged creatures – the default way to interact is to grab harshly. Introducing my first newborn to my dogs was the first challenge for me. It took months of preparation before the baby’s arrival and even then it was a fairly difficult first week. This experience […]

By |2020-05-01T12:48:24+01:00February 14th, 2016|Cats, Dogs, Pet News, Rabbits|0 Comments

Strange Divides

It is becoming increasingly more apparent that there are strange divides within the community of force-free dog trainers and behaviourists. There are those who swear by (and stick to) certain tools in their toolbox, and those who are vehemently anti- the same tools. These methods, protocols or equipment are not ones designed to cause fear or pain. As trainers & behaviourists, we work with a multitude of problems and a vast array of owners. Every pet and owner is a unique partnership. Each has its own story. Owners all have their own attitudes and beliefs, as well as mental and […]

By |2020-05-01T12:57:10+01:00September 26th, 2015|Cats, Dogs, Pet News|0 Comments

Is your dog ready for your baby and toddler?

As a pet behaviourist and mother of two, I know that juggling kids and dogs is no easy feat. Yet with a little help you can make life easier – and safer – for your children and your pets. Becoming parents is a momentous time in our lives, but it can also be stressful. New babies change everything – our routines, our homes, our sleep… Then just as you’re adjusting to parenthood, your little one begins to crawl and before you know it you have a willful toddler on your hands with a volcanic temper. It’s stressful for us – so […]

By |2020-05-01T12:58:03+01:00June 21st, 2015|Dogs, Pet News|0 Comments

Accreditations and Qualifications – what do they mean?

Currently there’s no regulation within the pet behaviour and dog training industry, so anyone can call themselves a dog trainer or pet behaviourist – and they do – without any appropriate experience or qualifications. I’m really proud of the qualifications and accreditations I’ve achieved. However, it’s difficult for the pet-owning public and co-professionals to know what to look for in a ‘pet behaviourist’. Membership of specific Associations rarely means anything, as there are Associations out there whose ethos are out-dated and potentially damaging to pets and owners.  Dog owners only have to look online for assistance and they are flooded with […]

By |2020-05-01T12:59:05+01:00July 15th, 2014|Cats, Dogs, Pet News, Rabbits|0 Comments

Introducing dogs to cats, or cats to dogs!

When you first bring your new dog home and attempt to introduce it to the resident cat, or visa versa, things can quickly go horribly wrong if the cat decides to run away (or react by hissing, swiping or growling), and the dog chases, starts barking or getting aroused in anyway – the cat becomes understandably fearful of the predator living in its house and the dog’s prey mode has been activated. Even dogs who have previously lived happily with a different cat can react very differently to a new cat, and the same can be said for cats who […]

By |2020-08-24T11:38:28+01:00May 13th, 2014|Cats, Dogs, Pet News|0 Comments


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